
Featured Artist | Sean Caulfield
Focusing on broader themes of mutation, metamorphosis, and regeneration involving both the landscape and the individuals that inhabit it, I aim to raise challenging questions for viewers about the role they play.
June Staff Recommendations
"There is so much nostalgia for quiet places and times in this piece, and private moments in the middle of the night, depicted in sharp beautiful contrast like a scene from a movie."
May Staff Recommendations
In her rendition of Venus, Ho’s playful personality shines through this European traditional space. She brings the statue to life with her rendition of arms, hands, and even a cell phone on the famous woman’s armless body. 
April Staff Recommendations
"...What keeps me looking is the regal, precious treatment of a humble apple. It strikes me as a perfectly lit, staged scene of a play with an apple as the protagonist. It's a scene that we'd never quite catch in our daily life either because it vanishes when we turn the lights on or because we don't revere the apple on our table as maybe we should."
Eunice Kim | Currents & Tides
Eunice Kim | Currents & Tides will be on exhibition from April 7 - May 27 2023.  ARTIST STATEMENT "This exhibition, Currents & Tides, presents all-new body of work from Nature Stories series finding material and inspiration in reclaimed wood. Printed...
March Staff Recommendations
"In the same way that her etchings breathe life and movement into the paper, “Fragile Security” is an end to breath, stillness, rustling in the wind and slowly turning to dust. The haunting image tells a quiet story of life and death, ending in peace and rest."
Karen Kunc | Wanting/Waiting
Karen Kunc | Wanting/Waiting will be on exhibition from April 7 - May 27 2023.  ARTIST STATEMENT "Through my art I obliquely address environmental and politically charged awareness, while always creating poetically poignant visual images and beautiful, edgy visual sensations. My approach...
Elizabeth Donnally Davidson: Embodied
"We are none of us perfect because of this altering process, but these forces and their effect on us have the potential to make us more beautiful because of it."
Michèle Landsaat: The Alchemy of Love
"At times in life there are reminders that somewhere along the way something unconditionally flawless was lost."
February Staff Recommendation
"We may feel isolated, whether by choice or otherwise, while simultaneously yearning to be seen and understood. The large text and brilliant colors are impossible to ignore, igniting an almost synesthetic call for attention and connection."
Dion Pickering Zwirner: Landforms
"Recognizable images do not interest me, I want to draw more on memories evoked by landscape."
January Staff Recommendation
"Of the magnificent “Famous Views of the Sixty-Odd Provences”, ‘Mimasake Provence. Yamabusi Valley’ displays a wonderful humor and humanity. We can all relate to the man chasing his hat that has flown away in a wind storm."
December Staff Recommendations
"I'm reminded of the peace I feel in nature and wide open spaces. The unique texture of the surface is captivating and suits the image perfectly."
Holiday Gift Guide 2022
Featuring artworks from some of Davidson Galleries' most beloved artists, this curated gift guide offers under-$250 artworks that are sure to please a variety of friends and family.
November Staff Recommendations
"When we slow down and look up at a clear night sky, we plug into something so much older and bigger than our own individual lives. We get to see just how big the world we live in really is."
Wuon-Gean Ho: Right Here, Right Now
"[These prints] are about personal experiences and intended to be full of narrative humour: a little satirical, a bit tragic, sometimes absurd…There is a dream-like logic to the spaces, which have their own internal references."
September Staff Recommendations
"All that cannot be explained about human emotion seems to rest in the quiet space created between them." 
Jenny Robinson | Fragile Symmetry
“I am interested in the moment when an image points us towards a world that we recognize, firmly rooted in the here and now, but not quite real, giving us a history of the present as a dream-like architecture built from the tessellations of recurrent memories and fragile materials.”
August Staff Recommendations
"Not only does she paint herself as a Venetian from the era, she paints herself as a gentleman, calling into question the wealth and gender imbalances of the traditional portrait."
Robert Connell: As I See It
"My artwork is paintings of personal expression and without the use of photography. I want my landscape paintings to be viewed as a work created by a single individual at a particular time, place and enhanced through memory."
July Staff Recommendations
"Momento No. 3273 (pine) hones in on a feeling, to pine, and the quiet setting where it happens, alone in a bed. It beautifully captures the way we are drawn inward to our own emotions and imagination when we pine for someone or something."