  • Wal Chirachaisakul
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  • Wal Chirachaisakul
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Wal Chirachaisakul believes that people these days are money-driven because they have mistaken money as a remedy of their unhappiness in life. He often uses dark hues to symbolize how distant those people are from enlightenment. In order to convey his message, he artist resorts to a gothic and surrealistic approach which results in a tense atmosphere.

Being brought up in a darker environment, the dark mood of his works seems somewhat relatable and almost familiar to Wal. Despite all the negatives, the artist wishes that his artworks are nothing more but to serve as a remembrance and awareness of this alarming phenomenon which is upon us. The subject metaphorically represents false hope to those who long for eternal peace and tranquility. Hence, it explains the endless chase for materialistic and worldly desire.

1 work

1 work