Medium: Color etching Dimensions: 5 1/4 x 7 3/4 inches Signature: Signed Artist details: American, 1969 Edition: of 25
Recommended by Nikki: (Art Photographer / Marketing and Exhibitions Specialist)
We humans consume, use, and abuse the power we feel entitled to with nature. ‘In the Deep Dark Woods’ we are reminded that there is more to this world than our ease and comfort. Trees, plants, the land, and creatures all bear witness to what we are doing. The woods are wild, but so are we. Sometimes it takes a healthy dose of fear and discomfort to reconnect to the larger web of life we often ignore behind our screens.
Medium: Four-color mezzotint Dimensions: 3 3/4 x 4 1/4 inches Signature: Signed Artist details: American, 1969 Date finished: 2014 Edition: of 30 Printer: Anna-Marie Settine and Phil Sanders
Medium: Four-color lithograph and chine-collé Dimensions: 14 x 17 inches Signature: Signed Artist details: American, 1969 Date finished: 2002 Edition: of 40
Medium: Woodcut Dimensions: 24 x 12 1/4 inches (sheet) Artist details: Korean, 1954 Date finished: 2003 Edition: of 29
Poem: On Buddha's birthday, the child asks."Did you go to the temple?""Yes, I did.""What did you do there?""I had lunch.""Was that all you did?""Oops, my bodhisattva daughter!"
Medium: Etching, collagraph, chine-collé Dimensions: 7 3/4 x 9 3/4 inches Signature: Signed Artist details: Japanese, 1967 Date finished: 1999 Edition: of 40
Medium: Etching, mezzotint, chine-collé Dimensions: 10 x 8 inches Signature: Signed Artist details: Japanese, 1967 Date finished: 2005 Edition: of 20 State II
Medium: Etching, collagraph, drypoint, and chine-collé Dimensions: 11 3/4 x 15 1/2 inches Signature: Signed Artist details: Japanese, 1967 Date finished: 2000 Edition: of 20
Medium: Etching, mezzotint, drypoint, chine-collé Dimensions: 7 7/8 x 8 7/8 inches Signature: Signed Artist details: Japanese, 1967 Date finished: 2003 Edition: of 20
Medium: Etching, collagraph, relief, chine-collé Dimensions: 9 3/4 x 7 3/4 inches Signature: Signed Artist details: Japanese, 1967 Date finished: 1998 Edition: of 30
Recommended by Nikki (Fine Print Photographer & Content Publisher):
"Collagraph is a medium that became popular in the ‘60s after synthetic adhesives and plastics became more readily available. Artists from all over the world were invited to visit the studio of Glen Alps in Seattle, WA to try out the process of gluing substrates, scribing marks into the dried substrates, and printing the results as intaglio plates. This relatively new medium has continued its popularity in the studios of contemporary artists, like Akiko Taniguchi. In ‘Atom’, Taniguchi is using texture and layering on her collagraph to pull the viewer into her 10x8 inch world of abstraction. In it, viewers get to explore the word ‘atom’ within complimentary red and green hues and explosive almond shapes. Every square inch of the print is delightfully filled with new and interesting textures that only collagraph can offer."