Medium: Wood engraving Dimensions: 6 7/8 x 4 5/8 inches (Image) 10 1/2 x 7 1/2 inches (Sheet) Signature: Signed Artist details: Canadian, 1939 Edition: of 46
Recommended by Catherine (Collections Specialist):
Jim Westergard's charming wood engravings often feature animals in comedic situations, using plays on words and topical humor. This hilariously irreverent print truly needs no explanation and seems especially appropriate in light of all the latest indictment news.
Medium: Wood engraving Dimensions: 6 x 4 inches (Block) 9 1/2 x 7 1/2 inches (Sheet) Signature: Signed Artist details: Canadian, 1939 Edition: of 30 Date finished: 2012
Medium: Wood engraving Dimensions: 4 3/4 x 6 7/8 inches Artist details: Canadian, 1939 Edition: of 40
Recommended by Nikki: (Art Photographer / Marketing and Exhibitions Specialist)
The sweet, playful smile of the squirrel invites a warm and calm feeling that is quickly subverted once the intense and menacing cougar eyes come into focus. Waiting. I love the artist’s intensity mixed with playfulness in his storytelling that comes through in narration and skillful engraving techniques.
Medium: Wood engraving Dimensions: 4 3/4 x 3 3/4 inches (Image) 9 x 7 inches (Sheet) Signature: Signed Artist details: American, 1949 Edition: of 25
Recommended by Nikki:
(Art Photographer / Marketing and Exhibitions Specialist)
Rorer gave extra care and attention to this portrait of Toni Morrison - highlighting this literary giantess’s importance. Toni Morrison’s words carried great weight and power. This small relief engraving of her face immortalizes a heavy reminder that resistance to what is unjust in our history and our present is the most sincere form of love and hope.
Medium: Wood engraving Dimensions: 2 x 4 inches (image), 9 x 6 inches (sheet) Signature: Signed Artist details: American, 1940 Date finished: 1985 Edition: of 100
Medium: Wood engraving Dimensions: 2 x 4 inches (image), 9 x 6 inches (sheet) Signature: Signed Artist details: American, 1940 Date finished: 1985 Edition: of 100
Medium: Wood engraving Dimensions: 3 x 4 inches (image), 9 x 6 inches (sheet) Signature: Signed Artist details: American, 1940 Date finished: 1985 Edition: AP
Medium: Wood engraving Dimensions: 2 x 4 inches (image), 9 x 6 inches (sheet) Signature: Signed Artist details: American, 1940 Date finished: 1985 Edition: AP
Medium: Wood engraving Dimensions: 2 7/8 x 4 inches (image), 9 x 6 inches (sheet) Signature: Signed Artist details: American, 1940 Date finished: 1985 Edition: of 100
Medium: Wood engraving Dimensions: 5 1/4 x 5 1/4 inches (image), 16 1/2 x 10 3/4 inches (sheet) Signature: Signed Artist details: American, 1940 Date finished: 1982 Edition: AP
Medium: Wood engraving on blue-gray paper Dimensions: 7 1/4 x 6 inches (image), 12 1/2 x 9 1/8 inches (sheet) Signature: Signed Artist details: American, 1940 Date finished: 2003 Edition: of 30
Medium: Wood engraving Dimensions: 3 x 4 inches (image), 9 x 6 inches (sheet) Signature: Signed Artist details: American, 1940 Date finished: 1985 Edition: of 100
Medium: Wood engraving Dimensions: 2 x 4 inches (image), 9 x 6 inches (sheet) Signature: Signed Artist details: American, 1940 Date finished: 1985 Edition: of 100
Medium: Wood engraving Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches (image), 12 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches (sheet) Signature: Signed Artist details: American, 1940 Date finished: 2003 Edition: AP
Medium: Wood engraving Dimensions: 2 x 2 inches (image), 9 x 6 inches (sheet) Signature: Signed Artist details: American, 1940 Date finished: 1985 Edition: AP
Medium: Wood engraving Dimensions: 3 3/4 x 8 inches (image), 12 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches (sheet) Signature: Signed Artist details: American, 1940 Edition: AP
Series: The Pennyroyal Caxton Bible Medium: Wood engraving Dimensions: 11 1/2 x 7 1/4 inches (image), 15 x 10 inches (sheet) Artist details: American, 1940 Date finished: 1999 Edition: AP
Medium: Wood engraving Dimensions: 6 x 11 inches (image), 14 1/4 x 9 1/32 inches (sheet) Signature: Signed Artist details:American, 1940 Date finished: 2008 Edition: AP 2/5
Series: The Pennyroyal Caxton Bible Medium: Wood engraving Dimensions: 5 1/2 x 7 1/4 inches (image), 14 3/4 x 10 inches (sheet) Signature: Signed Artist details: American, 1940 Date finished: 1999 Edition: AP
Medium: Wood engraving Dimensions: 8 x 11 inches (image), 12 3/4 x 18 1/2 inches (sheet) Signature: Signed Artist details: American, 1940 Date finished: 2003 Edition: of 50
Recommended by Paige (Collections Manager): "One of my favorite wood engravings comes from the master himself, Barry Moser. This piece is a bit unusual for its use of colored paper, but is also a classic representation of Moser's impossibly fine lines. The blue paper compliments the animal's light eyes and surrounding darkness. I once read an interview where Moser talked about his love of opposites and how he uses them in work, like serious vs. comedic, expected vs. unexpected, complex vs. simple etc. This piece holds many opposites like the technical skill and traditional stylings compared to the often ignoble cow. I love how this cow gets a royal treatment only Barry Moser could give, complete with a laurel wreath and the title The Old Gentleman."
Medium: Wood engraving Dimensions: 6 3/4 x 5 1/2 inches (image), 16 1/2 x 10 3/4 inches (sheet) Signature: Signed Artist details: American, 1940 Date finished: 1982 Edition: AP
Series: The Pennyroyal Caxton Bible Medium: Wood engraving Dimensions: 11 1/2 x 7 1/4 inches (image), 14 3/4 x 10 inches (sheet) Signature: Signed Artist details: American, 1940 Date finished: 1999 Edition: AP